News - 2016

The Bearsden Shark - news story - 23 Nov 2016

Stan Wood found Akmonistion, the Bearsden Shark, in 1982. It's a remarkably well-preserved fossil of a rare and distinctive Carboniferous shark, notable for its bizarre dorsal fin. THe specimen is on…

Science! - news story - 12 Oct 2016

On Saturday the 22nd Midlothian Science Festival are having a Science on the Wild Side day at Vogrie Park near Gorebridge. I'm going to be giving a talk at 12.30…

A New Old Dolphin - news story - 18 Aug 2016

Bones found in Alaska in 1951 have been identified as a new species of dolphin, related to the South Asian river dolphin. It's been named Arktocara yakataga, which trips nicely…

Fossil Hunters - news story - 21 Jul 2016

Just a reminder that the Fossil Huners exhibition, on Stan's work and the TW:eed Project, finishes its run at the NMS on Chambers Street in the middle of August. If…

To Alsace - news story - 16 Jun 2016

I leave for the St Marie show on Tuesday, and will be back in the shop the following Tuesday. My shopping list is relatively short for a trade show, but…

Fossil Grove - news story - 11 Mar 2016

Shortly after finishing my geology degree, and whilst gaining the experience that would allow me a place on the Museum Studies post-graduate course I wanted, I worked for a couple…

Filling the gap - news story - 23 Feb 2016

A long-stending mystery of the fossil record is gradually being solved, with a series of discoveries in Scottish rocks. At the beginning of the Carboniferous period, there had been a…